A Review of “A New Earth” (Part 2 of 4)

And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. –Ephesians 2:1-10 ESV

Eckhart Tolle, in his book A New Earth, uses Scripture to mischaracterize God, Heaven and sin. In part 2 of my review of his book I am going to attempt to show that Tolle’s definition of God does not square with what Scripture says. If you wish to see part 1 of this review, please click here. Tolle contends that God is not a being and that God is nothing more than an “essence”. Tolle says God is our own consciousness which transcends us and this “essence” is shared with every animal, mineral and plant in the cosmos. For Tolle, God is the light of consciousness. In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Tolle said, “The entire universe is permeated by that consciousness, by life – which is another name for god. I don’t see god as an entity and that he is in a particular place somewhere, but [I see him] as the essence…the intelligence…the animating life essence behind all life forms.” You can see and hear Tolle make this claim and Oprah agreeing with him in a video in a recent post to Journeying On titled “Oprah’s Church”.

He claims that through religion, specifically the Christian religion, that “man created God in his own image. The eternal, the infinite, and unnamable was reduced to a mental idol that you have to believe in and worship as ‘my god’…” (page 15). He goes on to say on page 16, “It is unlikely; however, that you will be able to perceive [Truth, Tolle’s synonym for God] unless you have at least already had glimpses of that Truth within yourself.” Basically he’s arguing there is “truth” in all religions. He’s saying that our own ‘godness’ or essence of truth is the foundation of all worldwide and “ancient” religions. Over the centuries, we’ve misinterpreted the god of our own consciousness to be a person-like deity to be worshipped. But we are really only ‘saved’ when we are awakened to the Truth of our own being. This process is called enlightenment.

Are you as confused as I am? I’ll be the first to admit that God is mysterious. But God did give us, through the Holy Scriptures, a means to at least somewhat comprehend God. Tolle has reduced God to experience and feeling, completely without established reference and subject to relative ideas and notions of good and evil. Without such a framework of reference, pride (egotism) is perpetuated, not extinguished as Tolle contends. Without a written moral law (Scripture), then the slippery slope of moral relevancy takes place. We say things like, “I’m ok…you’re ok…we’re all ok” or “who am I to say I’m right and he’s wrong?”

Tomes have been written about the person, character and nature of God. It feels almost wrong of me to try to summarize Him in a few sentences. The Bible describes God as a being that exists in three Persons. The Person of the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the Trinity can be confusing in and of itself and rather than attempting to explain Trinitarian Doctrine myself, I defer to several excellent essays posted on Monergism.com for your reference.

When we read the Bible we know that God is NOT merely an essence, experience or feeling. We know this because He is active. He does things. Feelings and experiences aren’t tangible in and of themselves. They are created as a result of something or someone else. When we read the Bible we know that God creates, chooses, manages, and pursues (amongst other things).  In the person of Christ, He took on flesh and blood, and walked, talked, loved, and healed people (amongst other things).  In the person of the Holy Spirit, He comforts, corrects, guides, and speaks (amongst other things).  At the beginning of the post there was a passage from Ephesians. How can an essence be rich in mercy and make us alive when we were dead (v. 4,5)? How can an experience show kindness (v. 7)? How can an intelligence give us the gift of grace (v. 8 ) and prepare good works in which we walk (v. 10)?

By Scripture we know that God controls and knows all things (Psalm 113:19). Such notions of God cannot be fulfilled in merely an idea or experience. Certainly, Scripture does apply some anthropomorphic attributes to God, but that is for our benefit as we try to understand an infinite God with our finite minds. But it is clear when reading Scripture that God is much more than an essence or idea. Tolle also says that when we are enlightened, we become god and a part of that essence is god. Well that simply cannot be. When we read the Bible, we also know that God is perfect, holy and without sin – distinct from all creation.  We also get a picture of ourselves when we read Scripture. We learn that we all sin (I’ll discuss Tolle’s mistreatment of sin in part 4). We all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Sinful people cannot become God. Sinful people cannot save themselves by awakening themselves into consciousness. If we could, why would we even need God?

Only a personal, loving God can cause us to realize our depraved nature, making us aware of our hopelessness.  God is a rescuing God and came to rescue us from death and Hell. Tolle suggests we are our own saviors and only have to awaken ourselves to our own salvation. How is that possible? How can a dead person (Ephesians 2:1) perform CPR on himself? It takes a holy righteous, merciful God acting on our behalf to save us when we can’t save ourselves.  Theologians call this the substiutionary atonement that can only be provided by the blood of Christ.

Thank you, Lord that you are an active, loving God and not merely some mystical essence.

Tomorrow, we’ll talk about Heaven an how it is a real place, even though Mr. Tolle says it isn’t.

Soli Deo Gloria! 
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5 Responses to A Review of “A New Earth” (Part 2 of 4)

  1. Rocky Black says:

    D2- good review! You have the discernment of the Holy Spirit, bro, so don’t worry about semitary training. I have semitary training, and look at me!!

    I saw Oprah, on your video clip, shouting at some ladies who were trying to assert that yes, there could be just “one way” to God and heaven. She chirped: “It’s not possible! It’s not possible, to have only one way to heaven!”

    Now, I’m not a book-of-the-month Club leader, but Logic 150 at OSU taught me the fallacy of this thinking. In fact, let’s review her logic.
    – There are many if not infinite ways to God and heaven.
    – People who claim an exclusive right to knowing the right path can’t possibly be right.
    – Except for me, who just happens to know that my way–the way of many paths– is correct, and yours-through Jesus Christ is wrong.

    Contradictory claims of various religions means that all paths to God cannot possibly be simuultaneously true. Even though our culture has thrown objective truth overboard, the truth is that there IS TRUTH. Someone has to ultimately be correct!

    Must be Oprah.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Deering says:

    Rock – as usual, you astound me in how you can logically impart the notion of truth in a few sentences.

    This whole idea that we choose a path of salvation in the same way we choose beef or chicken at a Golden Corral buffet is beyond me.

    If I have a medical problem that needs treated or I am going to die, I think I want the doc to treat me how he knows I need to be treated and not give me other choices that won’t help at all.

    Thanks for your insight!

  3. Pingback: oprah new earth part one

  4. dwebman says:

    I enjoyed your review. As I read the Bible, I am overwhelmed with the desire of God to heal His relationship with men and women. Reading in Genesis of how God barred Adam and Eve from the Garden so they would not eat of the tree of life and live forever in their sin, of how he clothed them in animal skins to cover their shame, of the pain he felt when he saw the wickedness of man, clearly marks the futility of reducing him to an essence or an oozing ether of consciousness. He is a person more real and solid than the keyboard I type on.

    Understanding God’s commitment to mend that relationship with us and the solution God has given us for him to accomplish this is the context in which I read the Bible.

    The sheer consistency of the message written by over 40 authors from kings to cowmen, writing in a least three different languages, on three different continents, over a span of 1,500 years is proof enough for any editor that the message is God breathed – there is a single author.

    There is no logical reason why this should be so. But when you read the book, open to the words and ideas, the truth of it hits you, humbles you, and rescues you.

    You can’t argue a priori why an experience teaches you something that is true. The Bible must be read, eaten as Jerimiah says, to awaken us to our situation and the resolution of it.

    Keep up the good work in your blog.


  5. Deering says:


    Thank you for taking the time to not only read my post, but to comment. Also thank you for your clear insights about the logical and intuitive reasons for Biblical inerrancy.

    May God richly bless you!


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